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Microsoft adds OpenAI technology to Word and Excel
Microsoft has high hopes for Copilot—its new AI feature that the tech giant believes will transform Word, Excel and Power Point. The scoop:

How to Discover, Assess, Migrate and Modernize with Azure Migrate
Looking for guidance on your move to the #cloud? See how the @Microsoft #Azure Migrate service tracks migration progress using a central dashboard that provides intelligent insights along the journey. Watch the video and contact a Microsoft Azure Migrate expert at Infinitech Consulting, LLC for next steps.
@Azure Virtual Desktop

Why Security Culture Is Key To Cybersecurity Resilience
Why should you make employees an integral part of the solution to neutralizing cybersecurity threats? Because orgs with a strong #securityculture are far more resilient to attacks. The case for #securitytraining 👇

12 Steps Cyber Readiness Series: Step 5 Back Up Everything Follow the 3-2-1 method: a minimum of 3 unique copies of your data, 2 available locally and 2 off-site. Test backups for functionality and integrity. Follow us for all 12 steps. #backup #BCDR #cyberreadiness
12 Steps Cyber Readiness Series: Step 5 Back Up Everything!
Data is the lifeblood of every business. Unfortunately, the risks and threats to the protection, privacy and usability of that data are endless. Follow the 3-2-1 method for backups: a minimum of three unique copies of your data, two available locally and one off-site or in the cloud. Ensure to test your backups often for functionality and integrity.
Contact us today to protect and secure your data from cyberthreats.
This post part of our series for Cyber Readiness. Follow us for all 12 steps.
#backup #BCDR #cyberreadinessplan #cyberreadiness

How Startups Can Use AI To Automate Data Protection
Comprehensive #dataprotection can be costly, time intensive and inefficient—a problematic combination for startups with limited resources. Thanks to AI, overcoming these challenges by automating data protection is now a viable option.

12 Steps Cyber Readiness Series: Step 4 Force Authentication Requiring more than one method to authenticate user identity can reduce or eliminate the risk of stolen or unauthorized credentials being utilized. Follow us for all 12 steps. #MFA #cyberreadiness #security
12 Steps Cyber Readiness Series: Step 4 Force Authentication
One-level security is no longer enough. Even the most robust passwords are vulnerable to theft or exposure. Requiring more than one method to authenticate user identity or access permissions can reduce or eliminate the risk of stolen or unauthorized credentials being utilized.
Get cyber ready with identity and access management today.
This post part of our series for Cyber Readiness. Follow us for all 12 steps.
#forceauthentication #2FA #MFA #cyberreadinessplan #cyberreadiness #security

12 Steps Cyber Readiness Series: Step 3 Keep Updates Up to Date Undiscovered defects or flaws can leave your systems exposed. Keeping systems updated is vital for keeping your business cyber ready. Follow us for all 12 steps. #cyberreadiness #security
12 Steps Cyber Readiness Series: Step 3 Keep Updates Up to Date
While updates often introduce new or enhanced features into your apps, programs and systems, they also install security and performance fixes known as patches. Undiscovered defects or flaws can leave your systems exposed. Hackers will exploit any vulnerability or security gap they find. Keeping your systems updated is vital for keeping your business cyber ready.
Let us automate and optimize your system updates and patches. Contact us now to get started.
This post part of our series for Cyber Readiness. Follow us for all 12 steps.
#cyberreadinessplan #cyberreadiness #security #uptodate #updated #ITpatches

12 Steps Cyber Readiness Series: Step 2 Establish Strict Policies and Procedures Policies and procedures regulate business operations and are essential for defining the standardsof employee behavior and actions. Follow us for all 12 steps. #cyberreadiness #security
12 Steps Cyber Readiness Series: Step 2 Establish Strict Policies and Procedures
Policies and procedures regulate business operations and are essential for defining the standards and expectations of employee behavior and actions in the workplace. While establishing strict, security-focused protocols is necessary, a system of validation and enforcement is equally important. After all, rules without consequences are merely suggestions.
Let us help you develop security-driven policies and procedures for your business.
This post part of our series for Cyber Readiness. Follow us for all 12 steps.
#cyberreadinessplan #cyberreadiness #security #policiesandprocedures

12 Steps Cyber Readiness Series: Step 1 Have A Cyber Readiness Plan You need a cyber readiness plan that includes prevention, continuity and recovery strategies. Start building your readiness plan, contact us today. Follow us for all 12. #cyberreadinessplan #security
12 Steps Cyber Readiness Series: Step 1 Have A Cyber Readiness Plan
With headlines full of mentions of cyberattacks and security breach victims, it’s time to take risks seriously. The success and survival of your business will be determined by your ability to overcome security threats or breaches. You need a cyber readiness plan that includes prevention, continuity and recovery strategies.
To start building your cyber readiness plan, contact us today.
This post part of our series for Cyber Readiness. Follow us for all 12 steps.
#cyberreadinessplan #cyberreadiness #security

A system administrator’s worst nightmare.
Friday Funnies: A system administrator’s worst nightmare.